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AI is making the headlines and art is one area 0our new Neanderthal is interested in his cave this course kickstarts the AI equivalent of the cave art    learn how to generate AI Art and publishing it as NFT on Opensea  using DALL·E 2.  good for both beginners and art and digital design professionals. walkthrough of AI art generation and publishing the art on opensea as NFT , general info on AI and AI art is given learn and see AI art and how to sell your art.  you may lalso buy the art generated on the video you will learn how to use a AI tool from an AI expert with a phd in the subject generate art and sell as NFT you should be inspired to generate and use AI as part of your digital design projects after this course you will be confident to generate your own AI art as AI does the work for you you will learn how to inspire and direct AI. you can be a good AI artist after this course discover the talent in yourself. art is advancing to levels beyond cave art catch the trend  by following this course you will learn how to use AI to generate art and then sell your art as NFT the course is  a step by step walk of generating the AI art and selling as NFT

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AI is making the headlines and art is one area 0our new Neanderthal is interested in his cave this course kickstarts the AI equivalent of the cave art    learn how to generate AI Art and publishing it as NFT on Opensea  using DALL·E 2.  good for both beginners and art and digital design professionals. walkthrough of AI art generation and publishing the art on opensea as NFT , general info on AI and AI art is given learn and see AI art and how to sell your art.  you may lalso buy the art generated on the video you will learn how to use a AI tool from an AI expert with a phd in the subject generate art and sell as NFT you should be inspired to generate and use AI as part of your digital design projects after this course you will be confident to generate your own AI art as AI does the work for you you will learn how to inspire and direct AI. you can be a good AI artist after this course discover the talent in yourself. art is advancing to levels beyond cave art catch the trend  by following this course you will learn how to use AI to generate art and then sell your art as NFT the course is  a step by step walk of generating the AI art and selling as NFT


This Canva Basic to Advance course is designed to teach you the  skills required to create stunning designs using Canva. Whether you're a beginner or someone with a bit of experience, this course will take you through everything you need to know to create professional-looking designs for social media, marketing materials, and more.

In this course, you'll learn how to use Canva's powerful tools and features to create beautiful designs from scratch. You'll also learn about Canva's design elements, including color theory, typography, and layout, and how to use them effectively to create visually appealing designs.

The course is divided into two parts: the basic and the advance level. In the basic level, you will be introduced to Canva's interface and its basic tools. You will learn how to create different types of designs such as social media posts, flyers, business cards, and more.

In the advance level, you will dive deeper into Canva's features and learn how to create more complex designs, such as presentations, brochures, and infographics. You will also learn how to use Canva's design templates and customize them to create unique designs.

Throughout the course, you will be provided with hands-on exercises and assignments to practice what you've learned. By the end of this course, you'll have the skills and confidence to create stunning designs using Canva for your personal and professional needs.


This Canva Basic to Advance course is designed to teach you the  skills required to create stunning designs using Canva. Whether you're a beginner or someone with a bit of experience, this course will take you through everything you need to know to create professional-looking designs for social media, marketing materials, and more.

In this course, you'll learn how to use Canva's powerful tools and features to create beautiful designs from scratch. You'll also learn about Canva's design elements, including color theory, typography, and layout, and how to use them effectively to create visually appealing designs.

The course is divided into two parts: the basic and the advance level. In the basic level, you will be introduced to Canva's interface and its basic tools. You will learn how to create different types of designs such as social media posts, flyers, business cards, and more.

In the advance level, you will dive deeper into Canva's features and learn how to create more complex designs, such as presentations, brochures, and infographics. You will also learn how to use Canva's design templates and customize them to create unique designs.

Throughout the course, you will be provided with hands-on exercises and assignments to practice what you've learned. By the end of this course, you'll have the skills and confidence to create stunning designs using Canva for your personal and professional needs.

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Midjourney is a powerful image-generating AI bot that produces images based on the text that you give to the bot. It can be a powerful tool especially if you know how to utilize it in a better way.

In this course, you will discover how to utilize Midjourney to kickstart your image creation journey.
You'll learn the fundamentals of AI Art Generation and be able to easily create images for both personal and professional purposes.

We have discussed in-depth about:-

  • Midjourney setup.

  • Grasp an understanding of Midjourney's basic settings and how it functions.

  • The proper way to input prompt and how you can get your desired image results from Midjourney.

  • Create prompts that generate outstanding images in a proper manner.

  • Using parameters to generate a different kind of images.

  • Enhance, Upscale, and Improve the resolution of your images without compromising their quality.


  • A Discord Account.

You can also feel free to ask your queries and doubts during the process of your learning, I would love to answer them.
I Look forward to teaching you about this amazing tech additionally we have a project section in the course where you can submit your project after completing the course, So I look forward to seeing your creativity and ideas :)

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Midjourney is a powerful image-generating AI bot that produces images based on the text that you give to the bot. It can be a powerful tool especially if you know how to utilize it in a better way.

In this course, you will discover how to utilize Midjourney to kickstart your image creation journey.
You'll learn the fundamentals of AI Art Generation and be able to easily create images for both personal and professional purposes.

We have discussed in-depth about:-

  • Midjourney setup.

  • Grasp an understanding of Midjourney's basic settings and how it functions.

  • The proper way to input prompt and how you can get your desired image results from Midjourney.

  • Create prompts that generate outstanding images in a proper manner.

  • Using parameters to generate a different kind of images.

  • Enhance, Upscale, and Improve the resolution of your images without compromising their quality.


  • A Discord Account.

You can also feel free to ask your queries and doubts during the process of your learning, I would love to answer them.
I Look forward to teaching you about this amazing tech additionally we have a project section in the course where you can submit your project after completing the course, So I look forward to seeing your creativity and ideas :)


Bist du jemand, der das Potenzial von künstlicher Intelligenz wie Dall-E kennenlernen möchte?

Würdest du gerne Kunst mit AI erschaffen, Bilder mit Dall-E 3 und ChatGPT erstellen und wissen, wie man von dieser Technologie profitieren kann?

Dann ist dieser Kurs genau das Richtige für dich!

In diesem Kurs wirst du lernen, wie du mit DALL-E in wenigen Minuten beeindruckende Kunstwerke erschaffen kannst, wie das Deffiusn-Modell funktioniert, wie du di richtigen Prompts für deine Bilder findest, was der Eraser ist, wie Inpainting und Outpainting funktioniert und wie du deine Kunst verkaufst, ohne Copyright-Verletzungen zu begehen, und vieles mehr!

Egal ob du ein erfahrener Künstler oder ein kompletter Neuling bist, dieser Kurs gibt dir die Fähigkeiten, die du brauchst, um dich in der Welt der KI Bild Erstellung zurechtzufinden.

Dieser Kurs führt dich Schritt für Schritt durch den Prozess, ein Profi in diesem Bereich zu werden.

Am Ende des Programms wirst du ein Meister von Dall-E sein und ein Portfolio beeindruckender Kunstwerke haben, die du online verkaufen kannst, um passives Einkommen zu erzielen.

Ich teile mit dir meine Geheimnisse, wie du das Beste aus dieser Technik herausholen kannst.

Du wirst atemberaubende Kunstwerke erschaffen, die du privat verwenden und auch verkaufen kannst.

Natürlich kannst du auch eine Online-Präsenz aufbauen und deine Meisterwerke auf Instagram, Facebook, YouTube und TikTok teilen.

Es ist sehr wichtig, neue Trends zu erkennen, sich ihnen anzuschließen und nicht der Letzte zu sein, nicht zurückzubleiben, nicht von der Technik und auch nicht von der Konkurrenz überholt zu werden.

Deshalb ist dieser Kurs für jeden geeignet, der an dem Potenzial von künstlicher Intelligenz interessiert ist und von dieser Technik profitieren möchte.

Also worauf wartest du noch?

Melde dich heute an und starte mit Dall-E durch!


Bist du jemand, der das Potenzial von künstlicher Intelligenz wie Dall-E kennenlernen möchte?

Würdest du gerne Kunst mit AI erschaffen, Bilder mit Dall-E 3 und ChatGPT erstellen und wissen, wie man von dieser Technologie profitieren kann?

Dann ist dieser Kurs genau das Richtige für dich!

In diesem Kurs wirst du lernen, wie du mit DALL-E in wenigen Minuten beeindruckende Kunstwerke erschaffen kannst, wie das Deffiusn-Modell funktioniert, wie du di richtigen Prompts für deine Bilder findest, was der Eraser ist, wie Inpainting und Outpainting funktioniert und wie du deine Kunst verkaufst, ohne Copyright-Verletzungen zu begehen, und vieles mehr!

Egal ob du ein erfahrener Künstler oder ein kompletter Neuling bist, dieser Kurs gibt dir die Fähigkeiten, die du brauchst, um dich in der Welt der KI Bild Erstellung zurechtzufinden.

Dieser Kurs führt dich Schritt für Schritt durch den Prozess, ein Profi in diesem Bereich zu werden.

Am Ende des Programms wirst du ein Meister von Dall-E sein und ein Portfolio beeindruckender Kunstwerke haben, die du online verkaufen kannst, um passives Einkommen zu erzielen.

Ich teile mit dir meine Geheimnisse, wie du das Beste aus dieser Technik herausholen kannst.

Du wirst atemberaubende Kunstwerke erschaffen, die du privat verwenden und auch verkaufen kannst.

Natürlich kannst du auch eine Online-Präsenz aufbauen und deine Meisterwerke auf Instagram, Facebook, YouTube und TikTok teilen.

Es ist sehr wichtig, neue Trends zu erkennen, sich ihnen anzuschließen und nicht der Letzte zu sein, nicht zurückzubleiben, nicht von der Technik und auch nicht von der Konkurrenz überholt zu werden.

Deshalb ist dieser Kurs für jeden geeignet, der an dem Potenzial von künstlicher Intelligenz interessiert ist und von dieser Technik profitieren möchte.

Also worauf wartest du noch?

Melde dich heute an und starte mit Dall-E durch!


This beginner Midjourney course is designed to get you comfortable in Midjourney as quickly as possible. We cover the basics and explain not only how to do things, but why we do them. By the end of this course, you should be confident in your ability to create AI art with complete freedom.

Midjourney can be used to create a wide variety of pictures with user specified prompts limited only by your imagination. Some examples of things you can create include:

  • Realistic people and characters

  • Comics and illustrations

  • Profile pictures and logos

  • Imaginative landscapes

  • Custom portraits

  • Abstract and stylized imaging

Here are some of the highlights of this course:

  • Downloading Discord and creating your own account

  • Explaining the intricacies of Midjourney’s account types

  • Primary functions and how to use them

  • All our personal tips to help you improve your results

  • Advanced parameters that can your art to the next level

Midjourney is an AI art generation tool that uses advanced image processing techniques to create high-quality art in as little as one minute. Simple to use and powerful image generation makes it a great tool for beginners and advanced users alike.  Free to use and try out and can be accessed in no time at all.  Begin creating anything you can imagine with Midjourney today. 


This beginner Midjourney course is designed to get you comfortable in Midjourney as quickly as possible. We cover the basics and explain not only how to do things, but why we do them. By the end of this course, you should be confident in your ability to create AI art with complete freedom.

Midjourney can be used to create a wide variety of pictures with user specified prompts limited only by your imagination. Some examples of things you can create include:

  • Realistic people and characters

  • Comics and illustrations

  • Profile pictures and logos

  • Imaginative landscapes

  • Custom portraits

  • Abstract and stylized imaging

Here are some of the highlights of this course:

  • Downloading Discord and creating your own account

  • Explaining the intricacies of Midjourney’s account types

  • Primary functions and how to use them

  • All our personal tips to help you improve your results

  • Advanced parameters that can your art to the next level

Midjourney is an AI art generation tool that uses advanced image processing techniques to create high-quality art in as little as one minute. Simple to use and powerful image generation makes it a great tool for beginners and advanced users alike.  Free to use and try out and can be accessed in no time at all.  Begin creating anything you can imagine with Midjourney today.